
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Social Media Widgets

When forming a blog or website these days, one thing is certainly crucial.

Whatever your template, its CRITICAL that you form a social media presence.

There are many ways one promotes such a presence, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), tags and branding, icons and logos, etc.

Today, however, we focus on a simple question: WHERE do I get those fancy little SHARE buttons?

Such buttons are HTML code that can be automatically generated for you at the various social media cites. For your convenience, I list the pages here.

1) Facebook Like Button

2) Twitter Follow Button

3) LinkedIn Share Button

4) Google+ Button

Once gather, you can create a template for them simply by collaging the code as such in the following example. It can then be saved as a .xml template for your future use.

Technical functioning aside, the most important thing is to have them. Why? So that your readers can SHARE them!

So please, if you find this advice useful towards establishing your own online presence....






Leave a comment below!

Its highly encouraging, and bound to result in more ways I can help one's technical talents in the future! Stay turned for future updates to Code Crunch Corner.

~David Noble Morris~