
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Introduction to Unit Testing with JUnit

Often overlooked, testing is an important phase of any software package.  Without it, one can find himself with code that compiles, thinking that it works, only to discover a major gaff in the program later on.

It is imperative that certain best practices are followed when it comes time to test one's program. What follows are among such tips to keep in mind.

  1. Test one thing at a time.
  2. Have your tests ready before you start coding.
  3. Keep your test suite seperate from your main code.
In today's world of software development, tests can be easily automated using functions such as JUnit. These interfaces can save you loads of time in the long run.

More tips on precisely how this is done will be available in future articles. For now, allow me to feature the tutorial of one such "Simplyianm" of youtube, and his excellent introduction videos to the concept of Unit Testing.

Below is a decent introduction on how to get started with it:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lYnMyi81hrs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

~Code Crunch Out~

Friday, November 1, 2013

Procedural versus Object Oriented Thinking. How do you know which is which?

Its often befuddling what is really meant by Object Oriented Programming, and what supposed to really make it special.

To truly appreciate OOP, it helps if one is familiarly ~w a r y~ of its opposites: Procedural Programming.

Its important to know and appreciate the difference. For as it turns out, just because you're familiar with a OOP language, doesn't mean you're thinking and writing in an OOP fashion.

So again, what does this all mean? I've already begun explaining what explained what OOP is. What is Procedural, and how does it compare?

Procedural Programming generally breaks down things functionally and then just goes with it. Imagine for instance, building an entire project in one massive main method().

Doable, but then what happens when something CHANGES? The true key of object oriented programming is in making things easy to change WITHOUT making code so convoluted over time, that it becomes difficult to maintain.

Object Oriented Programming principles thus evolved, with the three primary features to keep in mind being to keep your code well encapsulated (ie, protected against errors), with excellent use of polymorphism and inheritance to delegate behavior within your project. In this way each class may have only one reason to change if necessary, and when requirements change, all that's generally necessary is to add in additional plug ins that do not break what has already proven to work.

I know this all sounds greek now, but in future updates I intend to further break down the value of these terms. For now, think of it this way:

While procedural programming attempts to have one file do ALL the work...

Object oriented programming understands how to delegate the behavior of their project as "teamwork" amongst multiple files.

 ~Code Crunch Out~